Photo of Felix Pestana Cuba

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Félix Arnaldo Pestana Cabrera (Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus, 1947)

. Professorial Superior of Spanish and Literature (ISP "Félix Varela", of Villa Clara, 1977)
. Primary teacher (ISE Sancti Spíritus, 1969)
. English (School of Languages, Sancti Spíritus)
. He is member of the National Union of Writers and Artists from Cuba (UNEAC), in Critic's sections and of Plastic, and he has received significant prizes and recognitions.


. Last Tendencies of the...
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Félix Arnaldo Pestana Cabrera (Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus, 1947)

. Professorial Superior of Spanish and Literature (ISP "Félix Varela", of Villa Clara, 1977)
. Primary teacher (ISE Sancti Spíritus, 1969)
. English (School of Languages, Sancti Spíritus)
. He is member of the National Union of Writers and Artists from Cuba (UNEAC), in Critic's sections and of Plastic, and he has received significant prizes and recognitions.


. Last Tendencies of the Art in the XX Century, Superior Institute of Art, City of Havana, January-February of the 2006.
. Experimental pedagogy (Soviet Specialist), National IPE, Havana, 1980
. Philosophy, ISP "Félix Varela", of Villa Clara. 1979
. Calculation, ISP "Capt. Silverio Blanco", Sancti Spíritus. 2000
. Studies of Graduate degree of Literary Analysis:
- Literary analysis
- Spanish American literature
- Alejo Carpentier
In ISP of Camagüey, 1985


2007: "Santilé in Lagos", Center of diffusion of the Sciences and the Art "Casa Serrano", Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico, of November 21 at the 1o. of December of 2007.
2006: "Cuba in Kite", Sample of Cuban Painting, Zpacio Art Line, Kite, talia, October of 2006
2006: "Landscapes and discharges", Lagos of Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico, of the 1o. at August 21 2006.
2004: "Orillas", Gallery UNEAC, Colateral to the Provincial Saloon "Oscar Fdz. Morera", Sancti Spiritus29/10/2004
2004. "Orillas" (Advance), Gallery Radio Vitral,Sancti Spiritus
2000. "Invitation to the Landscape", Museum of the Revolution, Havana
1999. " Landscapes", Main Theater, Sancti Spíritus
1997. " Pestana Sin-Cuenta", Provincial Center of Arts, Sancti Spíritus
1995. " Recurrencia II, Provincial Center of Arts, Sancti Spíritus.
1994. " Recurriendo la Ciudad", Home of the Creative Youth, Sancti Spíritus
1985. "a fan exposes", UNEAC, Sancti Spíritus.

2006: "Cuban landscape", Lagos of Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico. March of 2006
2005: "Visions of an Instant", Homage to Celia Sánchez Manduley, Gallery Amelia Peláez, Lenin Park , Havana, April 2 2005.
2004: "Landscape", during International Colloquy José Martí, for a Culture of the Nature. II Symposium of Environmental History of the America, Havana. Salón1930 of the National Hotel, October 25 the 2004.
2001 gallery "D'Vinci", Coral Gable, Miami, USA
1999. " Luz and Color of Cuba", Gallery "Aquarius", Santander, Spain.
1999. " It shows Cuban", Jamaica.
1999. " Color Espirituano" ARCI-UNEAC-MINCULT, Italy (Itinerant)
1998. " Cuba in Cantabria", Hotel Rhin, Santander, Spain.
1997. " Cuban painting II" Gallery HATOR, Gijón, Spain.
1994. " Exhibition 480 Anniversary", UNEAC, Havana
1989. " show of the Cultural Patrimony of Sancti Spiritus", Havana
1986. " Saloon of Winning", Havana

2000 " Identity Award" of Patrimony, Saloon of the City.
1989. "IV Saloon Oscar Fernández Morera", Sancti Spíritus
1986. "Provincial living room of Fans", Sancti Spíritus.

1982 and 1983: I and II Living room O. Fernández Mulberry, Sancti Spíritus
1984 III Living room UNEAC, Sancti Spíritus.
1992-1993: I and II Living room of Small Format, UNEAC, Sancti Spíritus.
In critic's quality he/she carried out presentations for catalogs of the work of several plastic artists; he/she is also collaborating regular of the Cultural Supplement Vitrales, of the periodic Escambray, and the Editorial Star of the county published him the securities: "To the Luz of the bonfire" and "Luz and Shades."

. "The taking of notes", Have Education, Havana, 1986
. "You Shine and Shades", Book of rehearsals, Editorial Star, Sancti Spíritus
. "Luz and Shade in The Sleeping Bread", I Rehearse, Editorial Star.
. "By the light of a bonfire", I Rehearse, Editorial Star
. Several journalistic works in provincial and national publications.


HOLDING IN EVENTS: (The most important)
. Presenter in: "I find for a World better Pedagogy 86" (International), Havana, Presenter.
. Presenter in: "I find for a World better Pedagogy 90" (International), Havana,
. Presenter and Jury in: Several "Pedagogic Days" Provincial and Municipal
. Presenter and Jury in: Several National Events of Infantile Narrative, Sancti Spíritus.

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